Wednesday, July 17, 2019

My Learning Profile Essay

In todays ever-changing fast-paced terra firma the most important skill one requires is skill how to learn. Transformation is inevitable and one will be forced to learn change or deteriorate significantly behind. Every individual has a unequivocal way of learn. One must identify his or her familiarity write to ensure their success in todays and future humanity. Additionally, by identifying your attainment profile strengths and weaknesses you are provided an avenue for improving yourself in most aspects of every day life. I welcome incorporated this concept by identifying my reading profile and my learning strengths and weaknesses. Also, I digest established a plan to capitalize on these strengths and to mitigate my limitations.This physical composition will discuss my learning profile rugged down into four areas. The areas are learning clocks, rear up or top down learning, quadrants of learning and eclectic disciplines of individualised intelligence.To begin, everyon e has a favorite time of dayone that is conducive to learning. Some have kindled concentration in the premature hours firearm former(a)s achieve a higher level of knowledge absorption and retention during noon hours. Still, some mint are at their peak learning order during the evening hours. For me, I learn scoop out during the early morning timeframe. I always believed I was a morning learner and Test 1 in the course text supports this theory. This test helped determine the measure I am much clear to learning. Next, I will ascertain the basic aspect of my personal learning stylus.Understanding if you learn more effectively in unstructured situations or in a logical presentation of facts in a fuddled strategy is critical to ones learning profile. I am the latter. I learn best in a systematic, methodical approach allowing me to repress specific details before moving to more general concepts. In other words, I am a Stringer. The next step after comprehending this is to g o further into your learning preferences.Digging a runty deeper into ones profile, it is now imperative to clear our preferences for dealing with facts or feelings, using logic or imagination, and thinking things through yourself or working with other pot. After studying the Four Quadrants for Learning descriptions and evaluating how they revive to my learning abilities and preferences, I have concluded that my learning profile crosses the boundaries and encompasses two of the quadrants. Specifically, I assimilate sound with quadrant styles A and B. way A incorporates my addiction on learning through specific knowledge. This style focuses on verifiable facts on which everyone can agree. Style B thrives on order and sequence. Both quadrants form my style of learning where you base learning on a solid foundation with direction. Lastly, all of the aforesaid(prenominal) portions of my learning profile are coupled with my learning talent or personal intelligence.Most people believ e that their capacity to learn is determined by personal intelligence. Contemporary psychologists have changed the idea of a single learning capacity called intelligence into seven different intelligence learning categories used to enhance ones learning abilities. After answering the personal intelligence questionnaire in the text, I potently associated with interpersonal and spatial intelligence. I related somewhat in the interpersonal, linguistic and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence categories. To my surprise, I did non select any choices concerning logical-mathematical intelligence, a category I have always believed I was prominent in.In conclusion, I have discussed the importance of identifying ones personal learning profile. This profile varies from individual to individual. However, everyone possesses and demand a learning profile. Researching this paper, I have sight how my brain prefers to process new material, which modes and media of instruction suits me best, and whi ch multiplication of learning I am more receptive to. I have acquired an awareness of myself as a learner, which is the first prerequisite of Peak Learning.

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